About you
Already a member of Team Super? Register for your online account
To get started we’ll need your contact details including your email address and mobile phone number. We’ll use this information to set up your super account and get in contact with you if we need to.
Your contributions
To activate your account, you need to add at least $100 to your account OR set up contributions via your employer. Once you’ve completed your application, we’ll provide you with more information about how to do this.
Your investment option
When you open a new account, you’ll be automatically invested in our Lifecycle Investment Strategy, which forms part of our MySuper product offering. This Strategy works by investing your retirement savings in one of three investment stages which change how much growth or defensive assets you’re invested in, based on your age. You can find out more about Lifecycle Investment Strategy via our website.
Prefer to choose your own investment option/s? Your Team Super account offers a range of investment options to help you meet your financial goals. Once you’ve set up your account, you can make an investment switch via your online account.